‘TRUE LASSIE FASHION’: Dog saves hiker that plunged 70 feet in California forest
‘TRUE LASSIE FASHION’: Dog saves hiker that plunged 70 feet in California forest

‘TRUE LASSIE FASHION’: Dog saves hiker that plunged 70 feet in California forest

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A border collie named Saul led search and rescuers to his owner, who had fallen 70 feet into a heavily wooded area in California.

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The man and his dog were camping in Tahoe National Forest last week when the 53-year-old plunged off a ridge in Tahoe National Forest.

Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue, along with help from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, sent 25 rescue volunteers to find the man who were able to locate him on Day 1 of the search.

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But the volunteers gave all the accolades to Saul.

“True credit goes to the subject’s k9 Border Collie that ran through the forest approximately 200 yards and in true ‘LASSIE’ fashion to flag down two searchers and led them back to the subject,” NCSSAR wrote on Facebook.

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“He had reported he had fallen 70 feet,” Nevada County Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Dennis Haack told KOVR. “He called 911 on his cellphone.”

But when the call dropped, search and rescue teams were able to connect with the man’s friend, who showed them the missing man’s campsite.

Closeup of Saul, a <a href=border collie that rescued its owner who fell 70 feet in a California forest. (Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue/Facebook)” class=”embedded-image__image lazyload” src=”https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/torontosun/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/saul_hero_dog.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=288″ srcset=”https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/torontosun/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/saul_hero_dog.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=288, https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/torontosun/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/saul_hero_dog.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=576 2x” height=”815″ loading=”lazy” width=”1000″/>
Closeup of Saul, a border collie that rescued its owner who fell 70 feet in a California forest. (Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue/Facebook) Photo by Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue /Facebook

“As our searchers got to the area and found his camp they couldn’t find him … so they spread out and searched the area,” Sgt. Haack explained.

That’s when Saul joined the search.

“He ran about 20 feet away from them, stopped, and looked back at them. They took that as he was trying to lead them to the victim,” Sgt. Haack said.

The injured man, who suffered a broken hip and broken ribs, was rescued and transported by air ambulance to a hospital for treatment.

Saul spent the night at a local animal shelter where he was treated to a “well-deserved dinner.”

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